Policies & Procedures

Emergency Procedures

General Rules & Regulations

Insurance Protection

Moving Policy


General Rules & Regulations

Landlord reserves the right to: (a) amend, modify, or rescind any of these Rules and Regulations, and (b) make such other reasonable Rules and Regulations as in its judgment are necessary for the operation of the Building, and Tenant will be bound by these and all future Rules and Regulations.

  1. All deliveries must be made via the service entrance and service elevator (or area directed by Management), when provided, during normal working hours. Tenant must obtain Landlord's written approval for any delivery after normal working hours. All moving must be conducted after normal working hours, and the manner (including any moving company to be used) approved in advance by Landlord, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld so long as Tenant is not in Default under the Lease. A certificate of insurance from the moving company must be provided to The Loft.

  2. Tenant will cooperate with Landlord's employees in keeping the Premises neat and clean.

  3. Tenant shall be responsible for disposing of crates, boxes, pallets or other large items throughout the business day. Landlord is responsible for the removal of waste generated by normal office operations only.

  4. Tenant may not operate any machinery, other than ordinary office machines such as personal computers, typewriters, and calculators, without the prior written consent of Landlord. No space heaters or fans are allowed.

  5. No bicycles, motorcycles or similar vehicles are allowed in the Building or any part thereof with the exception of the garage or Landlord designated areas.

  6. Tenant may not insert any nails, hooks, or screws into any part of the Building (excepting small nails, hooks or screws for the purpose of hanging pictures on the interior walls of the Premises), except as approved by Building maintenance personnel.

  7. Tenant will not locate furnishings or cabinets adjacent to mechanical or electrical access panels or over air conditioning outlets and Tenant shall pay on demand as Additional Rent the cost of moving such furnishings for servicing such units. Building personnel will perform any repairs on or replacements of the Building standard lighting and air conditioning equipment of the Building.

  8. Tenant shall not block emergency exits with any of tenant’s furnishings, equipment, files, boxes, etc.

  9. Tenant will comply with any parking rules and regulations

  10. Tenant will not place vending machines in the Premises.

  11. Tenant shall not request Landlord's employees to perform any work or do anything outside of such employees' regular duties without Landlord's prior written consent. Tenant's special requirements will be attended to only upon application to Landlord, and any such special requirements shall be billed to Tenant in accordance with the schedule of charges maintained by Landlord from time to time or as is agreed upon in writing in advance by Landlord and Tenant. Tenant shall not employ any of Landlord's employees for any purpose whatsoever without Landlord's prior written consent.

  12. Tenant may not distribute any food or beverages from the Premises (except for food brought into the Premises for consumption by Tenant's employees in the Premises) without the prior written approval of the Building manager.

  13. Before leaving the Premises unattended, Tenant shall close and lock outside doors, turn off lights, coffee pots, and office equipment. Tenant shall pay for any damage resulting from failure to do so.

  14. The Building has been designated as a non-smoking building. Tenant shall comply and shall cause its employees to comply with this prohibition and applicable non-smoking ordinances. Smoking will only be permitted in designated areas on the property

  15. Tenant shall not obstruct or encumber or use for any purpose other than ingress and egress to and from the Premises any sidewalk, entrance, passage, court, elevator, vestibule, stairway, corridor, hall or other part of the Building not exclusively occupied by Tenant. No bottles, parcels or other articles shall be placed, kept or displayed on window ledges, in windows or in corridors, stairways or other public parts of the Building. Tenant shall not place any showcase, mat or other article outside the Premises.

  16. Tenant may not place any additional locks on or rekey any doors without the prior written consent of Landlord. Landlord will supply two (2) keys to the Premises, and Tenant may obtain additional keys from Landlord at a reasonable fee determined by Landlord. Tenant may not otherwise obtain duplicates of such keys. Tenant must surrender all keys upon termination of this Lease. Tenant will give Landlord the combination to any vault, which combination will be held in confidence by the Landlord, and only used in the event of an emergency.

  17. Tenant may not use the Premises or any part of the Building for residential purposes or for overnight lodging.

  18. Tenant must obtain Landlord's prior written approval (which Landlord may withhold in its sole discretion) for installation of window shades, blinds, drapes or other window treatments.

  19. Tenant will not make any changes or alterations to any portion of the Building without Landlord's prior written approval (which Landlord may withhold in its sole discretion).

  20. Tenant must provide Plexiglas or other pads for all chairs mounted on rollers or casters.

  21. Tenant shall not bring any animal, bird or pet of any kind into the Building, except seeing-eye or hearing-ear dogs for handicapped persons visiting the Premises.

  22. Tenant shall not place on any floor a load exceeding the floor load per square foot which such floor was designed to carry. Landlord shall have the right to prescribe the weight, position and manner of installation of safes and other heavy equipment and fixtures.

  23. Tenant shall not request Landlord's employees to perform any work or do anything outside of such employees' regular duties without Landlord's prior written consent. Tenant's special requirements will be attended to only upon application to Landlord, and any such special requirements shall be billed to Tenant in accordance with the schedule of charges maintained by Landlord from time to time or as is agreed upon in writing in advance by Landlord and Tenant. Tenant shall not employ any of Landlord's employees for any purpose whatsoever without Landlord's prior written consent.

  24. Tenant will comply with all procedures for the security and safety of the Building, including without limitation, the manner of access to the Building after normal business hours, keeping doors to Tenant areas locked and cooperating with all reasonable requests of Building security personnel. In furtherance of the foregoing, neither Tenant nor any of Tenant's Agents shall bring into the Premises or the Building firearms of any kind (excepting only firearms carried by law enforcement personnel).

  25. Tenant must comply with all emergency and safety procedures established by Landlord, the fire department, or any other governmental agency having jurisdiction over the Building, including, without limitation, participation in periodic drills, familiarization with emergency procedures and the designation of individuals responsible for the implementation of emergency action. Landlord has the right to evacuate the Building in the event of an emergency or catastrophe.

  26. Landlord may refuse admission to the Building outside of ordinary business hours to any person not known to the watchman in charge or not properly identified, and may require all persons admitted to or leaving the Building outside of ordinary business hours to register. Any person whose presence in the Building at any time shall, in the reasonable judgment of Landlord, be prejudicial to the safety, character, reputation and interests of the Building or its tenants may be denied access to the Building or may be ejected therefrom. Landlord reserves the right to exclude or expel from the Building any person who in the judgment of Landlord is intoxicated or under the influence of liquor or drugs or who violates these Rules and Regulations. In case of invasion, riot, public excitement or other commotion, Landlord may prevent all access to the building during the continuance of the same, by closing the doors or otherwise, for the safety of the tenants, the Building and protection of property in the Building. Landlord may require any person leaving the Building with any package or other object to exhibit a pass from the tenant from whose premises the package or object is being removed, but the establishment and enforcement of such requirement shall not impose any responsibility on Landlord for the protection of any tenant against the removal of property from its premises. Landlord shall not be liable to any tenant for damages or loss arising from the admission, exclusion or ejection of any person to or from any tenant's premises or the Building under the provisions of this rule.

  27. Landlord shall have the right to control and operate the public portions of the Building and the facilities furnished for common use of the tenants, in such manner as Landlord deems best for the benefit of the tenants generally. Tenant shall not permit the visit to the Premises of persons in such numbers or under such conditions as to interfere with the use and enjoyment of the entrances, corridors, elevators and other public portions or facilities of the Building by other tenants. Tenant shall coordinate in advance with Landlord's property management department all deliveries to the Building so that arrangements can be made to minimize such interference. Tenant shall not permit its employees and invitees to congregate in the elevator lobbies or corridors of the Building. Canvassing, soliciting and peddling in the Building are prohibited, and Tenant shall cooperate to prevent the same.

  28. Tenant shall not construct, maintain, use or operate within the Premises any electrical device, wiring or apparatus in connection with a loudspeaker system or other sound system, in connection with any excessively bright, changing, flashing, flickering or moving light or lighting device, or in connection with any similar device or system, without Landlord's prior written consent. Tenant shall not construct, maintain, use or operate any such device or system outside of its Premises or within such Premises so that the same can be heard or/seen from outside the Premises. No flashing, neon or search lights shall be used which can be seen outside the Premises.

  29. Tenant may use a microwave oven and appliances of the type commonly used to prepare coffee and tea in the Premises; provided, however, that no offensive cooking odors shall be allowed to escape the Premises (for purposes hereof an offensive odor shall be deemed to be offensive if it is complained of by another Tenant).

  30. Tenant shall not purchase water, ice, coffee, soft drinks, towels, or other merchandise or services from any company or person whose repeated violation of Building regulations has caused, in Landlord's opinion, a hazard or nuisance to the Building and/or its occupants.

  31. Tenant shall not remove, alter or replace the ceiling light diffusers, ceiling tiles or air diffusers in any portion of the Premises without the prior written consent of Landlord.

  32. If the Premises are equipped with heating facilities separate from those in the remainder of the Building, Tenant shall keep the Premises at a temperature sufficiently high to prevent freezing of water in pipes and fixtures.

  33. Tenant may use water fountains, water closets, plumbing fixtures and appliances only for the purposes for which constructed, and may place no unsuitable material therein. Tenant shall repair or replace appliances at Tenant's cost and in the event of misuse; Tenant shall repair or replace such fixtures and appliances at Tenant's cost. If Tenant fails to make such repairs or replacements, Landlord may do so, and Tenant shall pay the cost thereof on demand as Additional Rent.

  34. Landlord may, upon request of Tenant, waive Tenant's compliance with any of the rules, provided that (a) no waiver shall be effective unless signed by Landlord, (b) no waiver shall relieve Tenant from the obligation to comply with such rule in the future unless otherwise agreed in writing by Landlord, (c) no waiver granted to any tenant shall relieve any other tenant from the obligation of complying with these rules and regulations, and (d) no waiver shall relieve Tenant from any liability for any loss or damage resulting from Tenant's failure to comply with any rule.